Sunday, 13 December 2009

Compatibility Chart

astrology compatibility actually refering to is called many people don't understand about astrology Sun sign  Moon sign, Mars sign, Venus sign through the planets represent a different personality. astrological reading done astrologer, they require birth but birth time place as well. the information they need to build what is called a birth chart, where astrology compatibility

Determining the astrological compatibility between two people comparing their birth charts. birth chart there are what astrology as aspects. straight line from planet, and then from another, would corner angle. The degree angle determines what aspect were a 90 degree angle, the aspect is called a square. A 60 degree angle would be a trine.

astrology compatibility between two birth charts, astrologer would first overlay charts and then look at the angles chart makes planets in the second chart.

1 comment:

  1. Compatibility is a very popular concern for people looking for astrology and daily horoscope readings. This trend will not show signs of slowing down in the upcoming years. Great post.


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