Sunday, 13 December 2009

Astrological Chart Compatibility

long experience has proved theories and practical aspects of Indian astrology. Practical aspects are the predictions and the recommendations recommendations actually remedial aspect. In Indian astrology, first  actually what is the cause of the problem human life. person if planet is malefic, badly situated, combust, retroget harmful and may ruin the persons life. curtail this malefic effect and to make planets benefic, certain remedies are suggested in Indian astrology. Indian astrology, nine main planets and nine gems are associated gems  substitutes are also available.

very complex subject different nergy fields associated to different Gods visual representation of an energy field. numerical yantra  geometrical yantra. Different different purposes.  yantra must be powered by mantras  please a god. different energies or yantra  different powers to serve some special purposes successful in a business or carrier, to get name and fame, .God Hanuman God Vishnu Ji for Mercury  mantras connect us to god. Mantra specified no of times desired effect person who knows the wordings, melodies essential elements of mantras.

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